what does it mean to surrender to a higher power?


1 of the smashing challenges for those nonetheless struggling with alcohol and drug dependency - and even for those in long-term recovery - is surrendering to a power greater than ourselves. Giving up the internal battle to command our own lives and letting someone else guide us to a path of sobriety can ofttimes feel like the hardest affair we have e'er done. Until we do completely surrender, however, we will never fully know the joys that a sober life tin bring. The process of surrendering our lives to a power greater than ourselves must first brainstorm with the realization that lone, left to our own devises, we cannot solve this trouble. For about of us this was a painful, alone and at times embarrassing process to achieve a point in our lives where we are truly humble and teachable. Our self-centered out of control ways drove the states to a bespeak of utter despair.

However, for the fortunate of us, this it what was required to reach a point of absolute give up. Nosotros had exhausted all of our volition to shell this disease and reclaim our lives. Throwing our hands up in defeat we were finally given the gift of receptivity. We are now set up and available to receive the guidance and support that will lead us to a happy, sober and meaningful life. Whether information technology be with an AA sponsor, professionals in the recovery field, a spiritual guide or beau members in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) nosotros find that we are no longer alone and that there are many, who take come earlier us, that tin bear witness us the way.

At the historic period of 23, subsequently a nine-year battle with alcoholism and drug addiction that nearly killed me, two quondam-timers in AA plucked me out of my misery and put me on a 1-mode airline flight from Cincinnati Ohio to Minnesota. I knew when I got on that aeroplane that there was no going back. I had burned all of my bridges. All of MY efforts to modify my life resulted in more pain, more loss, more than trouble. I was utterly powerless to stop drinking and using on my own and my life was a mess. I was terrified of what may lie ahead, merely I was completely willing to let someone else direct the next steps of my life. I adopted a posture of a student, looking at everyone who came into my life as teachers who could bear witness me a better manner to alive my life.

This willingness to go to whatever lengths led me to ii months in treatment, eight months in a halfway house and a year and a one-half living in a sober house, surrounded by a community of fellow travelers who taught me how to live the spiritual program embodied in the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous in my day-to-24-hour interval life. I was introduced to a "Program of Living", a customs of support and a spiritual connection that for the past thirty-ix years, one 24-hour interval at a fourth dimension, has given me an opportunity to alive a whole, meaningful and productive sober life. And all I accept to do to proceed it is stay sober, live the Twelve Steps in my day-to-day life, stay grateful and teachable and assistance others.

Sounds easy doesn't information technology? Nigh of us enter our recoveries willing and motivated to go to any lengths.  We'll do anything to stop the pain, fix our broken toys. But alter the mode nosotros think, the way we live? "What an order, I can't get through with it." Letting go absolutely is a frightening prospect. So information technology's human nature that at some bespeak our ego will re-emerge. We say, "Thanks God for getting me out of this mess, I've got it from here." And back behind the drivers seat we become. The daily maintenance of our spiritual life is where the real piece of work begins.

Surrender isn't something we do once and were done. Information technology's a daily spiritual practice to live our lives with a God Consciousness in all that nosotros exercise. It requires a level of humility, vulnerability, and diligent and daily spiritual do to stay on this path. But as the Large Book of Alcoholics Anonymous says, "Practice not be discouraged. No i amidst us has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles. We are not saints.  The point is, that we are willing to grow forth spiritual lines... We merits spiritual progress rather than spiritual perfection." Notwithstanding, what I can say from my ain feel and through listening to the experiences of others is that if you take a chance, let go of your inner battle and just show up you may be surprised with what yous observe. One day at a time, yous volition regain your relationships with loved ones and make existent friends, and you may find a sense of purpose, hope and even serenity.

Remember. You're non lonely. We're hither to help.

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Our mission is to improve the quality of life for individuals, families and communities afflicted by alcohol and drug dependency by providing affordable, effective educational services grounded in the Twelve Pace principles of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Topics: Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism, 12 steps of aa, Recovery Program, Drugs Adiction

John Curtiss

Written by

John is President of the Community of Recovering People board of directors and The Retreat. He is one of the principle designers of The Retreat model.


Source: https://blog.theretreat.org/the-fear-of-surrender-letting-go-and-letting-our-higher-power-lead

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